Impulsivity is kryptonite to your will power and how to avoid it.
Impulsivity+ compulsivity+ a behavior or substance use is the recipe for addiction. What can we all learn from this research to improve now!
From the comparison of addictions: substance vs. non-substance addictions, that latter called Behavioral dependencies, the findings are striking. The same brain areas are activated, neurotransmitters and hormones are excreted similarly, and the consequences at a cognitive and behavioral level are incredibly alike. The thin differences between substance and behavior additions seem to be only those related physiological impact of substance exposure, as the prolonged use of narcotics.
Leeman & Potenza did remarkable research comparing the causes and effects of Pathological Gambling, as sample of behavioral addiction, with a series of substance-based addictions, like alcohol and different narcotics abuse.
The process for initiating and staying in substance dependencies is similar to behavioral dependencies. More interestingly, most of the (negative) consequences are similar.
Dependency or addiction are heavy words. Colloquially are used for critical or harsh conditions. However, we are all more in contact with the process of “depending on something” than we think. Wanting to check Instagram or Facebook very frequently, even if we know we get distracted, or watching one more episode in Netflix, knowing tomorrow we’ll be sleepy, or keep looking for “something” to buy online, share the same dynamic. All those ‘usual and normal temptations” are hindering our willpower, limiting us to achieve, create, and enjoy more.
I want it even I know is not good for me.
Impulsivity is a predisposition to rapid and unplanned reactions with little or no consideration of future consequences.
I don't like it, but I want it.
Compulsivity instead entails taking actions knowing there are negative consequences, regardless of the reward.
Impulsivity and compulsivity are needed for dependency.
Those examples above should be a sign. Knowing that checking Instagram will get me distracted, and still doing it, is impulsivity at work.There are rewards to our brain, I don't really like but I want to do it. Anytime that we Want something we know is not good for us, we are stepping into impulsivity. Staying in that dynamic, could open the door to compulsivity, making everything worse.
Impulsivity + Compulsivity reverse the “reward moment” of the event
In a healthy cycle, the reward happens during its consumption, reading, sex, buying online. In an unhealthy process, the excitement and reward are maximum when considering the consumption. During the action itself, the reward is minimum of finished, pushing me to want more (even during consumption) I want but I dont like is the expression of dependency.
The persistence in the use despite the knowledge of harm, is essential condition to establish addiction.
Be aware, when engaging doing something you know is not good for you and still want to do it, is a first alarm. Moving “downward” engaging in something you dont Like, but still want to do, is a second wake up call. Enjoying something in the desire or planning phase and during consumption is technically dependent.
What to do with those findings?
It appears that there are more coomon element on dependace at a brain, neurotransmiter, and behavior level than difference due to the active component of the dependency substance.
Impulsivity or compulsivity alone may not be the issue. The problem arises when there is a combination of High impulsivity plus Compulsive engaging in negative behaviors or substances. It is possible that disarticulating the combination we stay far from the negative cycle.
Impulsivity is the wick, Compulsivity the TNT, and the behavior/substance is where you that bomb.
- Changing the activity/substance: While gambling or drinking may not be bad in itself, the excess of them is. However, behaviors such as reading, working, or physical activity appear to have less adverse outcomes when overdone than sex, drugs, or reckless driving. Shifting the activity for people high in sensation seeking, impulsivity or compulsivity is proven to be a great option.
- Do not Over do Self control. Self control is great, overdoing it, is not. Excess in self-discipline, and auto contrition could derive in over compensating in other domains. For example, overexertion of rigor at work could make a person drift to over eat, or over drink at the end of the day: impulsivity+compulsivity+eating disorder.
- Sleep, Nature, Meditation: While this could appear as a holy-grail combination, it is possible it is. All three elements have extensively shown in research to connect the person with her best self, increase oxytocin, reduce cortisol, and boost willpower. With scientific back, Sleep, Nature, Meditation could be your true superpower.