The 3 Types of Achievers; Which one are You and How to Upgrade.

Javier Rumi
5 min readDec 20, 2020


Super Achievers, Achievers, and Non-achievers

Photo by Austin Kirk on Unsplash

By the results they get, people could be grouped into 3 clusters. Their results, or lack of them, are a lag of the behaviors they display. Which group do you identify with and how to upgrade yourself.

Some people seem to achieve their goals, live by their standards of success, and gain the type of power they desire: continually, consistently, and with apparent ease. Other people, instead, achieve most of their goals, but with numerous struggles, less consistency, and more variance on the results they end up getting. Finally, other people do not pursue goals that are truly important to them, or simply, they seem never to achieve.

Superachievers: The One Thing that sets these achievers apart from the rest is that they not only set more challenging goals, but they are also willing and determined to put in the required effort and make the necessary sacrifices until the goal is achieved (Jones, 2002). In other words:

They are constantly setting more challenging goals and determined to do what is needed to succeed.

These people usually get wealth, diverse achievements that look ‘impressive’ to other observers, and they appear to do it with ease. They look like a bundle of energy or a ‘mover and shaker’ or as calm, focused, rational people. Either way, they are consistent in their pursuit.


Other people, still achieving and fulfilling most of what they desire, have more struggles doing so. They produce less, in quantity and complexity, and with more ups & downs on their determination. Endeavors and projects take longer to define and to tackle. Their direction is abandoned at times, especially when it gets blurry, taking time to re-get back on track. When the goal is not correctly set, they stick for too long before redirecting the efforts to a better representation of their desired outcome — lacking an efficient way of disengaging from a non-ideal path could harm as much as being non fully engaged. However, they achieve, and in general, their self-assessed life satisfaction is high and in cases higher than then first group.

Non Achievers

Finally, our last group of people fails to reach their ambitions, desires, and ideals. Many try hard, others less. Many find themselves repeatedly starting different paths because they stop before understanding what the market wanted. Or they change endeavor because they finished their money or broke up with their business partners before having a winning product or service to offer. Another usual behavior is to stay on the same path, doing almost the same things, seeing poor results, and persisting with the same recipe. They often fear success. Maybe, some have tried hard and failed and now fear trying hard again. It is sad, but they waste time making excuses for their fears. Remember, we rarely fear failure on itself; we usually fear the meaning we attach to that failure. How I would feel if I ‘fail’ doing…..

Great, but Why does this happen?

Why do some people realize their ambitions easily, others with struggles and still others do not achieve at all?

The cause cannot be (only) physical; otherwise, physically-ideal men would be the most successful. The difference can neither be (only) because of upbringing, socioeconomic status, or environmental conditions. When we look at the variables that mostly correlate to “future success in life” (in research: highest education level, salary, divorce rate, substance abuse, subjective happiness, and criminal records): IQ, Willpower, Money/fund-access, and Sociocultural environment; all provide an individual base-line, but are far from determining future results.

So, what is the difference:

The difference, therefore, must be mental; it should be in mind;

Looking at the superachievers, every success has been accomplished by persistent concentration upon the object in view (here there’s less research and more intuition):

- What’s necessary condition of all well-being? Well doing.

- Which condition preceeds right action? Right thinking.

Thought necessarily precedes and determines action.

Action precedes and determines condition (results).

Or more easily: The thought is the cause, and the results we see in the world are its effects: Thought -> Behavior -> Result

The Correct Thinking precedes the desired results. For this reason, you must first manage your thoughts to bring forth only desirable conditions.

Correct Thinking -> Right Behaviors -> Desired Results

The things and conditions we desire to become realities we must first create in thought.

But…Why is it so hard to do?

We like to think we control our thoughts, but we don’t. We are aware of a little fraction of the thinking that goes on in our minds. The vast majority of our thinking efforts goes on subconsciously. Our mental awareness can hold 1 thought at a time; we can not entertain 2 thoughts simultaneously (remember that image you see an older woman OR a young lady but never both at the same time?)

We are aware of a small portion of our mental activity. We can hold one thought at a time while thousands of others are passing by behind the scenes.

My idea is that Super Achievers get very clear on desired Outcomes, needed Behaviors, and Consistent at Working on that. They do not “believe” every thought that shows up, cultivating instead the thinking that serves them.

While determined and hardworking, ‘simple’ Achievers, usually have less clarity of Action-Results for their goals. They are lacking in defining, which are the RIGHT behaviors to get the desired outcome. Maybe they get one of the actions but not all of them. Perhaps they apply the behavior but not with complete boldness or determination. Or they lack sustainability in the long run.

The Non-achievers group lacks the entire idea altogether. They are “looking for the lost key in front of the lampion” metaphor; they do what they know, what they have been doing, or what feels ‘at reach’ -as the analogy goes, they are not looking for the key where it was lost, but under the light of the lampion. Usually, they become victims, feeling and explaining their gap-to-outcomes is “the environment” or the economy, this industry, this year, that competitor, the exchange rate… The central ‘tragedy’ occurs when they consciously or unconsciously settle for good-enough after years of operating under these conditions.

How to upgrade to superachiever in only 3 steps -);

1.Internalize the process

Think, test, and challenge the thoughts written above. Only by making those opinions and ideas ‘Yours’ can it be possible to put them to work for you. Explain them to someone, research more on the topic, or implement something in your daily life. Those are the only ways to ‘internalize’ any learning.

2.Observe your thoughts.

Recognize with precision what is the outcome you desire. Then imagine what would be the recipe to get it. The ingredients in your recipe need to be your behaviors, do not include things you don’t have control over. This part of the process involves observation, not action, which can be frustrating for highly driven doers, hold-on, and observe.

3.Think the thought you need and Do the behaviors your outcomes requires.

Do and display your identified behaviors. Do them deliberately and consistently. Bring playfulness if that helps your find a way of enjoying them. It is really simple, and really hard to do. Whether you like this idea or not: Remember: Correct Thinking precedes the desired results.

Correct Tought -> Right Behaviors -> Desired Results

Good Luck! :-))



Javier Rumi
Javier Rumi

Written by Javier Rumi

Psychologist. Social Entrepreneur. Consultant. I write about Meaning, Flow, and Leadership to help everyone have more impact and live a more fulfilling life.

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